There is no special installation process - simply unzip all the files to a folder and open XLStatistics.xlam (Excel 2007 ) or XLStats.xls (older versions of Excel).
XLStatistics is a set of Microsoft Excel workbooks for statistical analysis of data. The workbooks are designed to implement a step-by-step guide to the statistical analysis of data (this guide appears commonly as a flow chart in many texts). The set is designed to make data analysis easy!
- XLStatistics is designed to be easy to use - all you need to do to analyse data is identify the type of variables and enter it into the corresponding workbook.
- Good for fast exploratory work. Simply select your variables and all calculations and charts are updated automatically; "dirty" data with blanks and/or comments is handled.
- Unlimited (up to what Excel allows) number of cases in data.
- Help facility built in.
- All working is visible.
- XLStatistics carries out the relevant statistical tests automatically. And, in addition to the commonly-encountered analyses, XLStatistics contains Nonparmetric tests, Analyses for proportions, Analyses using only summary data, Analyses to select sample sizes, Cumulative probability plots, Scatterplots with axes swapped, Regression for straight lines with a possible break-point, Fitting a smooth curve to data (moving average, running median, grouped data, LOWESS), Nonlinear regression, Standard multiple regression analyses up to, for example, Serial correlation correction, Analysis for 2x2 tables, Quality Control Charts, etc.
- The XLStatistics workbooks are standard Excel workbooks. So have all the power of Excel at your disposal if you need it.